Einstein said that we can’t solve our problems using the same thinking that created them.

Philosophical therapy starts by identifying the thinking that gets us into difficulties, and then explores alternative perspectives that can open up unseen possibilities and remove the obstacles that have prevented us from moving forward positively in our lives.

The power of philosophy in this context lies in its activity of exposing everything to questioning. When we feel stuck or lost, it is often due to perspectives, beliefs and values that seem so basic that we don’t even see an opportunity to reassess them. 

Philosophers are trained to ask good questions, questions that can help us discover the limits that our personal 'thought habits' put on the way we see and experience the world. Once we uncover and articulate these, we open a space for developing more solid, conscious and empowering intellectual views. 

In this way, philosophical wisdom can help us to move forward by making us mentally stronger and liberating us from our own unchallenged assumptions, as well as those of others.

The most powerful way to change our attitudes, behaviours and emotions is by changing the way we think. Philosophy is the endeavour to think through our human experiences deeply, carefully and with the openness to change our minds. Philosophical therapy puts this kind of thinking in the service of richer, more productive and satisfying lives, giving us the tools to solve problems more confidently and to live more conscious and rewarding lives.